To expedite service, please obtain document number(s) in advance by performing a search of our online grantor-grantee database prior to visiting our offices. To search the database, click on this link:
NOTE: Clerk-Recorder Department staff will not conduct searches over the phone, in person, or via mail. This online Grantor/Grantee search engine will only provide an index of searched results and will not allow you to view images.
Copies of recorded real property documents may be requested by mail. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your request.
- Documents are identified by the names of the listed grantors and/or grantees and the recording date. If a document was recorded before 1982, you will need to reference the book, page, and instrument number if available. If a document was recorded in 1982 or after, you will need to reference the instrument number, which consists of the recording year followed by a six-digit number.
- Fees for requested copies are $1 per page plus an additional $1 for certification of each document or map.
Make checks payable to: Orange County Clerk-Recorder.
Mail your request for copies to:
Orange County Clerk-Recorder
Attn: Copy Desk
County Administration South
601 N. Ross Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Questions? Call (714) 834-2500
Official Records Copy Request Form
STATE SEISMIC HAZARD MAPS (Landslide & Liquifaction):
Information is available at our Santa Ana office.
Please inquire at the County Service Center help desk.