Document Recording Services
In Orange County, the courtesy notice is free and automatically sent to the property owner when a document affecting title to a property is recorded. No sign-up is required. For more information.
NOTICE: Please click here to learn about new recording requirements regarding minor changes to recorded documents effective January 1, 2017
Restrictive Covenant Modification Implementation Plan per GC 12956.3
The department has been working hard to prepare the office to ensure a safe experience for its staff and customers and has taken the following steps:
- A Plexiglas barrier is in place at every public counter used to serve the public.
- Workstations have been spaced out six feet apart.
- The department will provide staff with masks, gloves and hand sanitizer for their workstations.
- Hand sanitizer will be available to customers in the public areas of the offices.
- The department will have masks on-hand should a customer request one during their visit.
- Social distancing floor markers and signage are in place at all locations to remind customers to social distance.
- All public kiosk/terminals have been spaced out six-feet apart.
- Each location will have strategically placed stanchions to encourage one-way foot traffic to enter and exit.
- Staff will constantly clean frequently used surfaces throughout the day.
Over-the-Counter Recording Service
The following restrictions will apply:
- Documents must be recorded in the county where the property is located.
- The document(s) shall be legible.
- Please include the name of the party requesting the recording, and a name and address where the document should be returned.
- A completed Preliminary Change of Ownership Report must be completed and submitted when recording documents affecting a change in the ownership of real property. These forms can be obtained from the Clerk-Recorder and Assessor Departments.
- Only one customer may enter the office per transaction.
- Each transaction is limited to a maximum of three documents.
- Payment can be made by cash, credit/debit card, check, cashier's check, and/or money order. Make checks and money orders payable to the Orange County Clerk-Recorder.
- Document recording services will close for lunch from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the department's branch offices in Anaheim and Laguna Hills.
Mail-In Document Recording Service
- Documents may be presented for recording by mail, FedEx or UPS. Please note the following: Documents must be recorded in the county where the property is located.
- The document(s) shall be legible.
- Please include the name of the party requesting the recording, and a name and address where the document should be returned.
- Please include a completed Preliminary Change of Ownership Report when recording documents affecting a change in the ownership of real property. These forms can be obtained from the Clerk-Recorder and Assessor Departments.
- Payment can be made by check, cashier's check, money order only. Make checks and money orders payable to the Orange County Clerk-Recorder. Mail your payment to the following address:
Orange County Clerk-Recorder
County Administration South
Attn: Recorder Operations
601 N. Ross Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
The office of the Orange County Clerk-Recorder cannot provide legal advice to the public and cannot assist the public in the preparation of legal documents. If you have any questions concerning which document form is appropriate to your transaction, or are in need of assistance in the preparation of that document, consult an attorney or obtain other professional advice.
Questions? Call (714) 834-2887 to speak to a document examiner.
Recorded Real Estate Document Searches FAQ
(click on question to see answer)
- What is the difference between a Grant Deed and a Deed of Trust?
- What if I never received my original recording?
- I just paid off my Mortgage/Deed of Trust when will I receive my new deed?
- Why is the County Recorder filing a lien against me?
- There is a lien filed under my name and it is not my property or information, how do I correct this mistake?
- How can I check if my lien was released?
- I cannot find my document number when I search the Grantor/Grantee Index yet it shows on my Credit Report?
- I received a Substitution of Trustee and Reconveyance, what does that mean?
- My document was recorded fraudulently, what do I do?
- I received an Abstract of Judgment; I don’t know this person; he/she does not live at this address.